How many times have you had something around your house that was still useful, but just not to you? You can easily give away such items to a “buy nothing” group. Participation in these groups helps lower our carbon footprints, foster a sense of community and helps people save money. Keeping stuff out of the local landfill is also always a good thing.
We have had wonderful experiences with giving away many items we didn’t need that were only clogging our home, and that someone else might actually need. We’ve found that simply posting items with a photo in a Buy Nothing group gets several replies and within hours or days that item has been picked up from our front porch with no effort on our part. It’s so easy to post and then the items are picked up and you don’t have to do anything else. It truly is like magic.
To find a group near you, simply do a search on “Buy Nothing groups near me.” Usually there is more than one group in your area, so if posting in one is not successful, try another. In the unlikely event that you can’t find a local group, start your own!
There are many types of items listed such as clothes, furniture, toys, housewares, exercise equipment, decorations and tools. If you need something, you can post that you are in search of (ISO) a particular item. We learned recently of a woman who moved and was able to fully furnish her home with donations from a Buy Nothing group. The items below were just a few of those listed in one of our local groups today.